Thursday, September 16, 2010


just saw pictures from Kg. Telaga, Pitas just now..
darn,how i miss that place...
u want to see "perpaduan"?? go there!!
even though its far from town, it has everything there..
well, not everything..
but who needs TV when u hv friendly matches for futsal & other games all the time...
who needs shopping mall when u can have all the smiles for free..
now,i know i'm comparing 2 entirely different things..hahahaha
my point is u dont have to be fully modernized to be happy!!!

that makes me think of another issue,i call it an issue cause it makes me think a lot..
would u rather be modern,exposed-to the outside world & high-possibility-to-sin??
or stay in a rural area,live simple life,might not know everything & low-possibility-to-sin??
u get what i'm saying??hmm...
a teacher once said this:::
"tp sampai bila mau duduk d bawah tempurung?"

Does God judges us by our knowledge?
if no, apa salah ddk bawah tempurung?? tdk tau pa tu astro, teda laptop/handphone, limited eleectricity, FB??? aint passport for us to be in His kingdom...
kalau duduk dalam kg,there'll be less possibility for us to sin...

it's just my opinion...
i'm not saying that org duduk bandar suma bdosa,hahaha...
i'm only talking bout the possibility,k...

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