Friday, March 25, 2011

-my lecture notes-

the heart is blackened,
it's craving for revenge..
my blades are sharpened,
your blood will be drained..

my angels are off,
i went all wrong..
don't need no love,
to make me strong..

i write no happy poetry,
all i have are blackish arts..
i may laugh out happily,
but inside i'm torn part..

((tried to put myself into sunshine-lala-people's shoes; this is what i got))

sunshine's creeping up my window,
ah, the rainbow i will follow...
shadows seem to leave me,
as i started to sing DO RE MI..

(it sounds a bit off though)

so long!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

-badan sy mcm tugu peringatan-

iya,bru jak 12 hours ago sy post entry..
tp ada lg sy mo ckp ni.d blog jak sy dpt berleter tanpa henti.
klu real life sy takut telinga kwn sy penat mdgr.
seriiius,klu sy start bcrita,sy tdk tau mna mo taruh tu full stop.
klu d rmh pn mama n adik sy pndai pening dgr crita n komplen2 sy.haish
tgk,lari topik da,bkn ni sy mo crita okay!

bdn sy keras ba mcm tugu peringatan!
lawa jak dorg menari etnik s'wak tu utj tesl nite,skali ada sy muncul.
sy rsa mcm sy bikin spoil d whole dance ni.
seriiuss! nebes tahap babi gila ni skg.
next friday is already the show.
apa la sy mo buat spya bdn sy lembut??
xkan tym mandi pn mo menari d dlm,hahaha
rendam air panas??ingat ni mee segera??
sy pndai head banging jak,sbb kepala jak yg gerak,huhuhu

so long reader!

-kalau saya ada banyak duit-

selamat pagi.entry ni patut sy type/tulis tlmpau penat maka t'tangguh.
okay,back to business!
kalau saya ada banyak duit,
saya b'laaaaari p pusat latihan memandu n ambik lesen skg jg!
hahahaha,klu ada duit naik la teksi kan,mo jg blari..
ada sbb tuuu,duit teksi ni bikin tmbah2 beli kereta,hahaha!!
tepayah kereta mahal2,ko humban bg sy kancil pn sy tadah tgn (muat ka kereta d tapak tgn?)

kalau saya ada banyak duit,
saya hntr kwn2 sy yg teda kereta tu pulang satu2,
duit minyak?biarla tu.nda blh bwa mati jg tu duit.
sgp ka anda tgk kwn2 blari dlm hujan,pastu tgu bus mlm2?
hmm,klu sy nda sgp..
klu btl2 sy ada banyak duit,sy hntr dorg pulang rmh pas klas..


Friday, March 18, 2011

-jumaat ku yg tragis-

it starts with,one thing i dont know why..mcm lirik lagu kan,hahaha..
sebenarnya ia bermula pada pagi tadi,
ketika menyediakan sarapan pagi, aku telah membenarkan minda ku melayang seketika..
dan ketika itu la perasaan malas untuk ke kelas timbul d jiwa dan hati ku!
(penat da sy mo taip full n baku)
tp sy ksh kuat jg hati sy p klas,mcm biasa la jln kaki n nek ni hari sy sorg jak..trus dlm bus sy bdiri d pintu sbb tlmpau full da..trus ter-feel jg jd konduktor bus kjap td..pns jg hati kadang2 dgn drebar n konduktor ni,nmpk da penuh tu bus,brabis jg disumbat ba..
"p blkg skit dek"...itu la dialog mereka..cari rezeki kn,mcm tu la lumrah,hmm..fhm2 kan lah keadaan dorg kaann..

after class, my sis (Sharon) & her friend (Jia Yee) fetch me and went to wisma merdeka cari my dress utk TESL nite..
memandangkan kami kebulur mcm cacing d tanah kering,hahahaha,trus kami mkn la d kedai mee udang yg sedap itu..
namun demikian,pekerja dia amat bikin hot aah..
si Jia Yee ni t'langgar tgn pkerja yg angkat sambal..pekrja tu dtg dr blkg,kmi nda nmpk lgsg,jatuh la sambal tu d lantai...
teka pa tu pekerja buat???
teng teng teng!!
dia hempas tu "chuit" (tmpat lada slalu d kdai mkn tu) d atas meja kami!
naaaah! naga terlepas dari benak hati!
terkeluar slang tawau sy yg nda seberapa tu aah (hasil terikut2 slang sis Liz) marah dia..
"dia tlanggar jak pn ko mo hempas tu benda d meja kaa?itu pn ko mo mengamuk?klu sup pns nda pa jg.."
hmm,trus nda brapa sedap ba mee hbs jg la,hahaha

(hmm,blm lg hbs ni,tragis kan..bida ni,mrh2 pada jumaat,paling bida oh!)
trus kmi teruskan pjalanan dgn mcari dress la ni.
baaaaanyak ba dress smart,sekali sy p try trus ter-bida tu dress ah,siiitt!
badan sy btl2 mcm mngandung ni..
pdhal sy ingat ada kurus skit da sy,hahaha..rupanya masih sama saiz dan bentuk..
rusak suma plan n imaginasi sy utk tesl nite ni kali..
xpa la.ada 2 mgu lg utk sy try kasih kecik perut...
iya,tu perut jak yg bikin spoil skg ni,heeeiiiii..

tp ekoran drpd itu,ndada tumbuh2 ekor ku,hahaha
nda ba,pastu mcm suma makin ok la..
jmpa jg dress yg tutup perut..
simple black..tepa,yg pntg t'tutup pa yg patut kan..
trus bjln2 la kmi d hunt!!
dragon beard (kuih cina)///kuih kapit klu nda silap tu,yg ada kacang tu//takoyaki (fav food Bro hasrol.teringat jg dia td tym mbeli,hehe)///croissant d yoyo (sedap gila siput ni!)

lutut kami longgar2 n kaki kami lemah da,trus kami pulang..
hahaha,tu jak la..
moral of the story???

life has it's ups and downs,
like a wheel it'll spin..
so,ur bad days wont be for ever..
positive thinking will change the situation u're in at that moment..
so,put up ur smile and march to the gerai makanan! hahaha

so long!

Monday, March 14, 2011

-is this the end-

am not good at facts,but i think the whole world knows about the earthquake and tsunami happening in japan..i should type it as plural though,it's not a one single incident,it happened quite a few times already..told you i'm not good at facts..
people in japan are in a really bad situation now,
with their home gone, they have to go for shelters in places provided..
food and drinks are hard to's a good thing that there are still good hearted people out there who are willing to give out free food and drinks for the victims..
to make things worse,the nuclear radiators/plant in one the states exploded,if i may say that and the people are now facing another threat, exposure of radiation.what could be worse.

yeah,we got numerous warnings on the possibility of getting a tsunami here in sabah.
have you ever thought of what to do & where to go if it really happen??
*touch wood* not that i'm asking it to happen,but with today's climate change and the poor condition of the mother earth, anything can happen!
this is what i've thought of anyway:
1. get yourself a bag with bottled waters in it.maybe one/two packets of biscuits too.a pair of clean clothes.ID.hand phone to contact anyone,family and help.

2. think of the closest high ground for you to stay safe before the help comes. since ums is near to the sea,it would be best for you to get to the top floor of the A preferably...1B?just hope that that building can withstand the strong current!

3.pray babe! that's the crucial part of all the above. ask for his fact,we should start praying now.i admit,i'm not a good follower .i suck big time! not having even the minimum knowledge about it,all i know is, it's about time we get back to Him and ask for His forgiveness.i'm not trying to portray hypocrite-ness here,i'm trying my best to change and learn. and maybe we all need to do that together.

dear God of mercy,
bless the souls who've joined you,
let them rest...
bless the people who've survived,
give them strength...
& let the rest of us learn from it.

you may find this post silly,it's okay.
maybe you just don't share the same fear i have now.
this is just a little sharing for everyone,that's why we have blogs,right.

Friday, March 11, 2011

-my shoulders feel heavy-

mcm mo give up blajar jak skg.
assignments n keja2 suma makin bnyk mcm UMS peak.
serius bnyk!

ni suma pasal tabiat yg suka kmpl2 keja n keyakinan tlmpau tggi konon dpt ksh siap keja last minit.
mo nyesal pn nda sempat da.
tp sy msh ada msa utk blogging kn.

sy rasa sy makin malas da skg.
krng fokus lg dlm hal2 penting.
aaah,kenapa bgni~

(jom pray spya kita semua selamat from any nature disaster!)