Saturday, April 23, 2011

-here it goes again-

yaaa! exam datang lagi!
pernah kah sy post psl exam before this?klu ada mgkin sma jak isi kndgan dia ni.
tp tepa,klu sy nda ingat ko pn nda ingat jg tu,kan! ahahaha

& spt biasa,sy MALAS mo bljr,
amat budu kan. tp sy rsa tahap mls sy ni blm kritikal lg,
sbb nnti pndai tkut & panik sndri tu,
brula brabis bljr & TANAM muka dlm nota2!
pastu ada la tu sesi mkn kopi & part time kakak guard.
klu mo supernatural skit,jdi burung hantu or penjaga mlm.
hahaha,x bikin takut poooonnn. <--konflik dlmn dri sy,hahaha

blh ka sy selit something else here,other than psl exam?
blh ba kan,blog sy jg,hahaha..

i can be very rude at times.
yup,it depends on the situation i'm in.
i'll curse, shout and that sorts,only if it's appropriate with the people and context :)
yeaah,u dont have to like me baby.
i'm not here to please you.

if i feel like leaving,i'll go.
this beating element in me had been through a lot,
cant bear to have another scars on it.

okay,jauh menyimpang.
exam exam exam.
makan makan makan!
yaaa! bikin bahaya klu sy d rmh penampang!
maaaaaaakan jak kereja sy! hbs stok mknan dgn pantas!
perut pn ceeeeepat boroi! hahahaha.

mo cari kalkulator (calculator) utk paper penilaian.hahaha
otak sy bebubut-bubut ba,tu la topik crita sy pn lumpat2!

okay,tu long & bye!

-broken promises-

told myself to not open up the lock again,
and yet i unlocked it.
told myself to not shed in sleep,
and yet the pillow'a wet at night.
ordered myself to put me on top of d list,
and yet i end up at the bottom of the rank.

Friday, April 15, 2011

-i pissed people off-

tried as hard as i can,
but still i pissed people off.
yeah,feel like one of the "fuck face" out there now.
its easier said than done.
saying "told you so" to myself now.
not sure whether this feeling has to do with the time of the month or its a music i have to face for what i've done.
what i've done u ask? good question!
i dont know.seriously!
well, it depends on what it's my mind now though.

oh well.
all these typing wouldnt help.
i'll just shut my mouth,thickened my skin n smile.
i'm great at putting up my mask.
i can be oliver sykes.lady gaga.obama.
oh,n the fuck face mask i'm using now.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

-lover Vs friend-

greetings earth people! yeah,i'm form mars!
hahaha,my head is in outer space baby..
it's been a while since i last posted,it's not that nothing interesting happened,but my fingers refused to click on this webpage and type away whatever was there.besides, it's not that important anyway.speaking like a reporter! ya rite!

who will be on the top of your list? ur friend or ur gf/bf??
dont worry,making ur choice now wouldnt require u to sacrifice any of them.
there are currently debates in my head actually,i always have that when i'm alone,trying to logically explains life,not exactly logically explain..that is so not the term! what i really do is reflects on what what the others and i do, and which fence am i leaning on,d better one or the bad's..

see, seldom we see friends are left out when one of them is in a relationship.
i seriously hope i did/will not make any of you feel like that,slap me if i do! i'm effing serious,let me know! i dont mind holding his hand on the right and my friend's on the left.well,it is a little awkward,but i think that's cute! hahahaha..

i'm not trying to judge anyone here,
this is just what i've been through.and maybe i'm merely jumping into a very stupid assumption.oh well,just sharing,continue reading if u like..
i'm not getting to any point here,am i?i'm quite lost in my own words,how stupid is that.

okay,let's put it this way..
how sure are you that the bf/gf u have now is for forever?i'm not saying/sumpah-ing that the relationship wont work,but have u had the guarantee for it?
now,the friends u've had for who knows how long,they were there and still are..where do they stand?
cant it be balanced between lover and friends?
this is not science and rocket equations, you figure the rest..

i'm not perfect either,i may be one of the people described above,
oh please let me know if i am,i dont want to hurt any of you.
not even the slightest cut would i want to be on you!
sorry if i cut any of you already :(

this post has been filtered to suit the readers out there,hahaha,mmg tiada kaitan la!
so long earth people!